First, there was a purpose, then a dream came to correspond to it.
The dream wanted to turn into reality and stay on the fingers, then flow to the paper.
Now the imagination has gained a concrete narrative, and it was then shared with the others so that it could function for the purpose of imagination.


I`m an independent designer to makes unique interiors and objects for spaces where people live, work, and have fun.

My Works; interior & product design, while quite contemporary, seem to have an old-world charm.

I believe that in an environment where technology is rapidly digitizing and social media is spreading unlimitedly, interiors designed with traditional materials and fine craftsmanship techniques will be important in terms of providing life balance.

While he has representation, he specializes in taking every commissioned project to a personal level. The style of his contemporary approach is exclusive that you won’t find anywhere else.

Studying mechanical engineering and combining it with architecture study gives him a very wide inspiration spectrum in art, design, and architecture.


Rue Michel-Chauvet 4, 1208 Genève -CH

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Tél : +41 22 313 84 35 / Tél portables : +41 79 876 96 00